Dr. Valerie A.G. Ventureyra, PhD
Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy & Coaching
Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Behavioural and EMDR Psychotherapist in English/ Spanish/ French, Neuroscientist, Intercultural Coach and Researcher
Scientific Publications
Originally trained in Cognitive psychology and Neuroscience, I have conducted research in this area, specializing in Language Attrition, Brain Plasticity and Bilingualism. My publications in this field are listed below. I have also presented this research at several International and national (French) conferences and workshops.
I have also participated in some research in Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, namely in the area of trauma and PTSD. My publications in this field are also listed below. I have also presented this research at several International and national conferences.
Brain Plasticity, Bilingualism & Language Attrition
Ventureyra, V.A.G., Pallier, C. & Yoo, H.-Y. (2004). “ The loss of first language phonetic perception in adopted Koreans. ” Journal of Neurolinguistics, Special Issue : Attrition, 17, 79-91.
Ventureyra, V. A. G. & Pallier, C. (2004) “ In search of the lost language : The case of adopted Koreans in France ”. In M.S. Schmid, B. Köpke, M. Keijser & L. Weilemar (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on First Language Attrition, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Sangrigoli, S., Pallier,C., Argenti, A.M., Ventureyra, V. & de Schonen, S. (2005)
“Reversibility of the other race-effect in face recognition during childhood.” Psychological Science, 16(6), 440-4.
Clinical Psychology
Ventureyra, V. A. G., Yao, S.-N., Cottraux, J., Note, I. & DeMey-Guillard, C. (2002)
“ The Validation of the Posttraumatic Checklist Scale in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Nonclinical Subjects”, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 71, 47-53.
Yao, S.-N., Cottraux, J., Note, I., DeMey-Guillard, C., Mollard, E. & Ventureyra, V. (2003). “ Evaluation des états de stress post-traumatique : Validation d’une échelle, la PCLS ”, L’Encéphale, 29, 232-8.
Camassel C., Allenou C., Delcourt M., Klein, R., Ventureyra, V., Raynaud J-P, Schmitt, L. & Birmes P. (2008) « Accident de la voie publique et trouble de stress post-traumatique chez l’enfant. », Nervure, J de Psychiatrie, vol 21(2), p. 26-29.
Cohen D, Milman D, Ventureyra V, Falissard B (2011) “Psychodynamic Experience Enhances Recognition of Hidden Childhood Trauma.”, PLoS ONE 6(4):
e18470. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018470