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Coping with confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic: Psychological tips for Expats


Written by: Valerie A. G. Ventureyra, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Paris, France

The current COVID-19 pandemic and the radical confinement measures taken practically overnight all over the world, came as a great shock to most people. The massive lockdown was virtually unimaginable by most European and North American citizens only a few weeks ago, and yet many are coping quite well (at least for now, in the short term) with the measures taken to slow down and eventually stop the spread of the coronavirus. Some have taken this time to reflect, meditate, develop new skills, put one’s daily problems into perspective and even, paradoxically, to reach out to loved ones. Others, however, have been less fortunate in activating their coping mechanisms, and are struggling with anxiety, acute stress, anger, frustration, loneliness and isolation. Being an expat is in and of itself a challenging situation but being in expat in a (relatively) foreign environment, and thousands of kilometres away from loved ones during the crisis we are now facing, can be gruelling.

Some common sense advice and techniques may help you to deal with confinement, and even take advantage of these exceptional circumstances.

Practice stress management techniques: At this time of intensified health concerns, and of economic and social uncertainty, it is completely normal to feel more anxious and stressed than usual. Hence, it is crucial to practice some techniques to bring stress and anxiety levels down. In CBT (Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy- a scientifically validated type of psychotherapy), we often recommend Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique to achieve this goal. Mindfulness exercises and meditation, based on connecting to the “here and now” by focusing on body sensations and perceptions from one’s environment, such as sound, can often having a calming effect. It can be particularly interesting to try to be mindful in daily activities such as cooking and having a meal, where one can pay attention to the sights, smells, textures and tastes while preparing the meal, and later while enjoying it!

There are many apps that propose mini-meditations and exercises, such as Headspace. Mindful meditations can also be found on Youtube, or in free live online sessions, which are quite popular at the moment.

Limit « news consumption »: While it is completely legitimate to want to stay up to date with the rapidly evolving events during this crisis, it is also important for your well-being, to limit watching, listening to or checking the news to once or twice daily, at predetermined times. Get your news from reliable and scientific sources. You should try to limit your exposure to conversations regarding this subject if they make you feel anxious: limit social media checking or change the subject when family or friends obsess over it. You are the only one responsible for what you pay attention to!

Establish a routine: Having a daily routine gives one a sense of control, crucial in these uncertain times. For those who are still working from home and busy, confinement may not be too difficult to cope with, at least during working hours. Find time for leisure, pleasure, relaxation and exercise. This may be the right time to tackle those tasks on which you have procrastinating for an eternity! Spring cleaning, catching up with paperwork, but also more pleasurable activities such as reading your favourite author’s latest novel, perfecting a foreign language, learning a new skill… The sky’s the limit! There is a plethora of free online classes for every type of interest available at the moment. Personally, I have heard many of my patients who were cooking-averse, starting to experiment with exotic recipes and enjoying the process, as much as the result! (Top Chef watch out!)

Stay connected: Being far from home, and perhaps living in isolation, this is more than ever a time to use technology to stay (or get back in touch) with family and friends. Try to find a regular time for social contact at least once a day, by phone, chat, Skype or social media. This may also be an opportunity to reconnect and even “meet” new people virtually. Internations ( is proposing several online cultural (operas, movies, book clubs) and social events (chat room Happy Hours). And if you are single, this may be an opportune time to overcome lingering prejudices about online dating. Just think, with no more bars, no more parties and no more flirting on the street or at the office, where are singles going to hang out?

Create a Healthy lifestyle: Get good rest and sleep at regular times. Eat healthily. Limit alcohol consumption and avoid smoking. Exercise 30 minutes per day. (There are many free online dance and fitness sessions to check out, and that may be more motivating than working out on your own.)

Be positive: Psychologists have long been interested in how to treat mental health issues and emotional disorders, however, over the last 20 years or so, some psychologists have started to focus on factors that enhance our well-being and foster resilience (the ability to bounce back after traumatic events). Among the identified factors favouring resilience and boosting immunity are positive affect (joy, enthusiasm, humour). Try to connect to people or activities that connect you with positive affect on a daily basis during this particular time (and from now on!).

Here is an article on this subject:

If you feel particularly anxious and distressed during this time, seek the help of a mental health professional. There are many free psychological helplines that are dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic all over the world. You can also seek online help from a licensed psychologist and/or psychotherapist in your region. Eutelmed ( is one such platform proposing secured videoconferencing sessions with licensed mental health professionals in many languages, all over the globe.

Wishing each and everyone one of us to be in excellent physical and mental health during this crisis, and hoping that we will all take this challenge as an opportunity to learn, grow, and transform the world and ourselves.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

(Nelson Mandela)

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